Even 1000MB can get you in trouble with large queue. To be safe, lower it further more. 500MB should be ok. But with files you're downloading ~2GB, even 2000MB is not enough. HDD will get trashed either way.
Some general rule for cache is 2.5 x average file size in collection. But everything has it limits and 500MB is mine

Regarding LAA -
https://www.altbinz.net/forum/new-alt-binz-versions/alt-binz-0-48-2/msg32817/#msg32817It's easy, download lla_toggle.exe, Put it int altbinz folder, close altbinz, run in command prompt "lla_toggle.exe altbinz.exe". Verify LAA status, answer with yes and that is it. You can run command once again to verify if LAA is enabled and answer with no.
64bit is not possible on old compiler I'm using now - Delphi 7. But I'm trying to switch to new one. Based on number of new users (or lack of), I'm not sure if it's worth going to so much trouble...