Author Topic: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files  (Read 38735 times)

Offline P3tr0ck

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #45 on: October 11, 2009, 01:26:54 am »

Yea, that would work but for now i just use QuickPar.  It rejoins the file in a jiffy.
If there is no par then 7-Zip does the rejoin for you.
Still waiting on the integration into Alt.Binz though.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2009, 01:29:26 am by P3tr0ck »

Offline FlatulentFox

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #46 on: October 28, 2009, 03:34:36 pm »

This would be the top if not the only thing I'd like to see added to Alt.Binz.  Not sure why this hasn't been added yet, as this program is just so terrific.

Offline sauzee

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #47 on: March 07, 2010, 08:48:44 pm »
yup, i'd like this too.

Most of my downloads seem to have the file.avi.001, file.avi.002 etc ... naming pattern.

The standalone par2 program can use the par2 file to verify and unrar these, but alt.binz ignores all the files and thinks all the parts are missing.

Offline darkmorph

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #48 on: April 05, 2010, 08:13:20 pm »
I'm a programmer and I really can't see why the developer wont apply this feature to the project. Like pointed out numerous times in this feed, it shouldn't be a big deal, cause altbinz already does it for the most part, it would just take a few lines added in the monitor-section of the program. I mean there are even people which would share their project-codes to see this feature implemented... so letz have it already :)

Offline Hecks

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #49 on: April 06, 2010, 12:15:01 am »
Because yeah, that attitude really works around here, and everyone who hasn't seen the Alt.Binz code obviously understands how easy it is to add things. Carry on.  Share your Delphi code if you have any.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 12:17:43 am by Hecks »

Offline Chuckle123

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #50 on: April 07, 2010, 05:54:15 am »
Couldn't we just create a script which executes using the Default Execute Command under NZB options?  It looks like the necessary parameters are accessible.  That looks to be a very powerful feature which has been given to us.  I have not yet taken advantage of it, but that's where I would begin my experimentation.  If you don't feel comfortable writing scripts maybe try RARZombie, ExtractNow, or SCRU.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 06:17:05 am by Chuckle123 »

Offline davidq666

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #51 on: April 07, 2010, 09:15:41 am »
Couldn't we just create a script which executes using the Default Execute Command under NZB options?  It looks like the necessary parameters are accessible.  That looks to be a very powerful feature which has been given to us.  I have not yet taken advantage of it, but that's where I would begin my experimentation.  If you don't feel comfortable writing scripts maybe try RARZombie, ExtractNow, or SCRU.


the problem is that without a par2 file the execute command doesn't kick off which brings us back to the problem what to do if there is no par2 file included in the collection. the best solution i could think of would be to have alt.binz use sfv-files to verify the set and an option to make the execute comand kick off after each finished collection aswell.

Offline Chuckle123

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #52 on: April 07, 2010, 08:34:58 pm »
Using the .sfv file does sound like a good idea.  Your idea of using the same Default Execute Command sounds good too, but would mean that a flag has to be made available to alert the user that the collection may not have been verified.  This would imply that an end user has to use scripting to detect this state before performing an action.  We could include a "Not Able To Verify Execute Command" for when par files don't exist.  This would allow us to know without scripting that no par files exist and/or that the collection has not been verified and we can just issue a batch file or inline command to address the collection.  The nice thing about an external command is that Alt.Binz does not have to wait for that task to finish processing, nor does it care about the outcome of said task.


Offline thebig

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #53 on: July 31, 2010, 04:12:39 am »

If there is no par then 7-Zip does the rejoin for you.
Still waiting on the integration into Alt.Binz though.

Reading other treads about 7-zip, I also thought this may be a viable alternative. Replacing the unrar process with the command line 7zip or even a customized version of the code, should do the job. I'm already using it in a batch file to decompress or join files after download.

Anyways, this is my first post, so thank you and please keep improving this awesome program.

Offline CmdrX3

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #54 on: October 01, 2010, 05:33:21 pm »
+One on the rejoining of splits, perlease

(Note to Self: Check post dates before replying).
* CmdrX3 slaps CmdrX3 around a bit with a large trout.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 05:36:07 pm by CmdrX3 »

Offline Benjiro

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #55 on: October 24, 2010, 02:46:38 pm »
+1 For rejoining of splits ( 001/002, none-rar ... ) files. Ran into it again yesterday ( lost half a hour just getting all those split files back together. Kind of annoying as to why people post it on the newsservers in that way ).

Offline steve51184

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #56 on: November 26, 2010, 07:36:36 pm »

Offline Singha29

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #57 on: November 26, 2010, 10:31:03 pm »
another +1  :D

Offline mc00

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #58 on: November 27, 2010, 07:29:49 am »
+1 same here

Offline LemonHead2089

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Re: auto Unrar without par2 and join split files
« Reply #59 on: December 14, 2010, 09:19:13 pm »
could you also have the files automatically be renamed if the names of the files have been changed? I tried unraring a movie today and I had to use QuickPAR because Alt Binz didn't know the files we're renamed