Author Topic: Force downloading  (Read 4606 times)

Offline dacaid

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Force downloading
« on: April 28, 2008, 07:36:12 PM »

1) I think it would be useful to have an entry in the right clik menu that would allow to force download an already downloaded item. and add an .00x at the end of it

Because sometimes, i download files that are not fully uploaded.
I just have to delete the file to be able to download it again.

2) Even better, i ticked the option that make incomplete files in upper case.
Would be nice to have an option that delete automatically these files when asked to download again

3) Even better and better, the ability to resume files when asked to be downloaded again and altbinz see them as previous incomplete download.

I dont think any of these option exist.
If one does... plz make my day  ;D


Offline dacaid

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Re: Force downloading
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2008, 08:10:22 PM »

Ok, i found something

As i didnt uninstall previous alt.binz when upgrading, some options didnt appear. I had to delete "C:\Users\dacaid\AppData\Local\Alt.Binz\" folder to fix it. (of course it did reset all my settings)
The options is "skip if file is already downloaded" folder

If i uncheck that, it will be ok for me.

But the idea is not that bad, cause i'd like to force download only some files, not every file.
Of course resume is better :)

BTW, i might have a new request.
When installing the proggy, it should launch an uninstaller first. In order to have clean install, unlike mine  >:(

Offline Hecks

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Re: Force downloading
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2008, 08:26:22 PM »
Not sure if this is what you mean, but when you have Setup > Download > Downloaded articles > 'Import already downloaded as paused' checked, you can just unpause them in the queue to 'force' a re-download.

Offline dacaid

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Re: Force downloading
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2008, 08:31:41 PM »

Combined with "skip if file is already downloaded" unchecked yes, it will definitly do the job
Thx for the idea

Offline cr4zyfr4g

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Re: Force downloading
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2008, 10:15:30 PM »
you can also try to play with download retries (setup -> connection -> retry count/delay bewteen retrys).
if an article is not found, alt.binz will delay it and try to download it later.

Offline dacaid

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Re: Force downloading
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2008, 02:12:46 PM »

Yes crazy i already played with these, useful when i DL the nzb from poster and not from newzleech or binsearch.

But it doesn't help when nzb is form these web search engines and that the poster didnt finish his upload yet.

So i tried to play with the RSS tab, but i still didnt get it to work... i guess i need a "to do and don't do that" about RSS tab.
But i ll learn on myself

Thx for your interest  ;D