I guess not the optimal solution, but here is a free (very old) program that I use to overcome this issue.
Hasn't been updated since 2004. Having a hell of a time finding something (freeware) that works just as well.
http://www.triceptual.co.uk/shareware/Applications.asp?appid=sfvmanagerOnly issue I have had with this program above is that sometimes posters like to list the actual par files as well. So when this happens, I get a failed response even though the files are all intact.
This alternative is $10, so won't break the bank. Very fast, but seems to have crapped out on my after using a couple of times. Again hasn't been updated for a few years
http://www.traction-software.co.uk/SFVChecker/I also like the program extract now. The url should be pretty obvious. I don't use the auto extract feature of alt.binz, just auto integrity check. Seem to consistently (not all the time) have issues with enough par files being available, but not downloaded for some reason. Mostly use for the multiple archive testing option. So then can manually download and repair archives is necessary. Also very useful if no sfv or par files in posts

Hopes this helps. Spent quite a bit of time off and on searching for a solution.