Author Topic: CMDline switches  (Read 4554 times)

Offline Rdl

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CMDline switches
« on: October 22, 2015, 07:38:47 PM »
CMDline switches as of version 0.41.1:

  • -mi - force multiple instances
  • /connect - same as pressing connect button to connect threads
  • /disconnect - same as pressing connect button to disconnect threads
  • /pause - same as pressing pause button to pause threads
  • /unpause - same as pressing pause button to unpause threads
  • -minimize - minimize alt.binz
  • -tray - minimize alt.binz to tray
  • -maximize - maximize alt.binz
  • -restore - restore alt.binz from minimized state to previous state or restore window from maximized state to normal state
  • -possize:top,left,width,height - set position and size of alt.binz window
  • /f:nzb_name - import nzb as first
  • /p:nzb_name - import nzb as paused
  • /fp:nzb_name - import nzb as first and paused

everything else is assumed as nzb name for import.

If altbinz is already active, everything is passed to active instance.