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Filter Categories by length?

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Just wondering if anyone knows of a method to create a categories filter that filters for length of the video?
Say if the video is greater than 65 minutes put it into X Folder.
Thanks for your time

There are better ways to sort pr0n from regular videos :)

Seriously, by the time you can get to video length, every function performed by category has been been done. What will be used to get video length?

What are these better ways, and where can I find them? ;)

Maybe I am misunderstanding categories in the GUI but right now I am just trying to differentiate movies from tv shows, and the only thing that I can see as being different is the length of the video.

I would really like to know your understanding of categories. Maybe it will help me improve it.

Currently, you could create one category for Series with download/unrar folders/settings and another category for Movies. Then, before adding nzb choose category. Or if you add under keywords for Series category following - @^.*\.S\d\dE\d\d\..*$, series nzbs will most likely auto set Series category. For explanaition of each column read hint for it by moving mouse over each column header.

Your explanation is pretty much my understanding then.
I am not fluent in regex so I could be making some mistakes here.
I have 3 total catagories for tvshows set up, 1 that seems to work for most and 2 running test scripts to see if it grabs the shows and puts them in a folder for each of the tests.
test1 uses @"^.*S\d\dE\d\d" in the key words
test2 uses (.*)\.S(\d+)E(\d+)\.(.*)
and the main one that seems to work tvshows using @[sS]\d+[xX\-\.]?[eE]\d+
The two test keywords do not seem to work as nothing ever gets sent to those folders.
The problem is the main one will also grab some movies , and will miss some of the tvshows.
As for the movies I have 3 test keywords regex and one main filter. the tests: @\(tt[0-9]+\)  ; ^(.*?)\W(?:(\d{4})(?:\W(\d+p)?)|(\d+p)(?:\W(\d{4}))?)\b ; and (^[^\[]+)(?= \[) do not seem to do anything, as nothing ever shows up in those folders. I am able to use variations of "bluray" to grab a bunch of them but nothing that works consistently.
So I am trying to find some key words or regex that will grab the movies as well.
Music is a similar situation where I am able to get some of them marked but not all.... so if there are any filters that can be used more efficiently I would be happy to see them as well.
Thanks for your time.


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