New Alt.Binz versions > Open requests

Identify password protected uploads

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Since the password protected posts in Usenet get more and more (after unraring you end up with another archive and instructions to visit some site and fill surveys/click banners to get the password) I wonder if there's anything there can be done against it? For a while I helped myself with downloading series from upper "teevee" only, but recently this pw upper sh!thead started posting under the same id.

An idea:
With download sets > 700 MB alt.binz tries to download the first part in the RAR set first, decodes it. Then looks in the RAR file (not extracting) if there's another RAR set (around the same size as the download). If yes, pause the download with status "Possible password" and the user can unpause the download to continue, or cancel the download and search something else.

Edit: Here's a short screenvideo demonstrating how to identify pw protected uploads manually. Would love to see this process automated.,67033403/Video_2010-03-31_230003.wmv/

A big +1 on that.  Very frustrating to find that what downloaded the previous night is useless.


yep, definetly would be a nice feature


--- Quote from: rygel16 on March 27, 2010, 07:45:35 PM ---Since the password protected posts in Usenet get more and more (after unraring you end up with another archive and instructions to visit some site and fill surveys/click banners to get the password) I wonder if there's anything there can be done against it? For a while I helped myself with downloading series from upper "teevee" only, but recently this pw upper sh!thead started posting under the same id.

An idea:
With download sets > 700 MB alt.binz tries to download the first part in the RAR set first, decodes it. Then looks in the RAR file (not extracting) if there's another RAR set (around the same size as the download). If yes, pause the download with status "Possible password" and the user can unpause the download to continue, or cancel the download and search something else.

--- End quote ---

to make sense the pw check would need at least two levels:

1.) trying to look into the rar set ur downloading, if thats not posible -> output something like: "The collection you are downloading is pw protected! Please enter the PW!"and pause collection after that.
2.) scaning the contents of the collection for rars; if found output something like: Possible pw protection found! Content of collection includes rarfiles.

even though i think having alt.binz check for pw protection would be a nice thing, it looks like to much work just to have a better solution to a minor problem


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