Usenet (English) > Preusenet

rar naming problem


could anyone help me with naming settings?
i have many   video files  from a certain site.
file names are all different but they all have the same part like ".wmv75757gg"
so filenames look like "xxxxx.wmv75757gg"

i dont want to edit file names at all

What i want is to have preusenet rared them leaving out this "wmv75757gg" from rars name.
so it would like

so that rar sets would have only xxxxx,yyyyy,vvvvvv,bbbbbbb, etc in their names.

I choose many files at once so i need it to be done by preusenet automatically. i dont have time to manually par every video file

now i have %FILENAME% in preusenet.exe What should i add to this to make preusenet to leave out "wmv75757gg" from Rars name



--- Code: ---Fast File Renamer (freeware) []

I do simulate sometimes before doing any big multi-renaming jobs. Precautionary preview to be sure all will be just right after renaming :)
--- End code ---

thanx but its not what i asked about=)

yeha ic an use renaming tools to rename rara\pars afterwards.. but i wanted something else.

Start with this and work from there:

--- Code: ---set FILENAME=xxxxx.wmv75757gg
set FILENAME=%FILENAME:.wmv75757gg=%

--- End code ---


Or better yet just give up on batch files and start using a proper scripting language. PowerShell is installed by default with Windows 7 and it's very easy to learn.


--- Quote from: Semela on June 14, 2011, 09:20:40 PM ---thanx but its not what i asked about=)

yeha ic an use renaming tools to rename rara\pars afterwards.. but i wanted something else.

--- End quote ---

Your correct i thought Preusenet was a usenet provider, maybe the net part threw me each time. I know now to read the name as Pre Usenet (emphasis on the Pre) ;)

--- Quote ---PREUSNET is a script for Windows XP, which will help you create a post for Usenet, that means making rars, pars and much more.
--- End quote ---


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