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Using customized RAR and PAR block size for optimal posting

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Hecks, thanks for pointing that out.

It explains the odd segment sizes on the sample NZB shown in the post above, couldn't understand how the segments in it varied from one post to the next, and size did not divide cleanly by 128 Bytes as expected. Live and learn.  :(

Looked at a quick sample of one I generated locally :

Versus the same part, from a NFO search result :

And there are the same odd variations here too. :(

The calculations in my original post only create the size for RAR piece as a integer multiple of segment sizes; segment sizes being user-selected, people deciding how many lines per post to use.

yEnc post headers and footers add the extra Bytes in the example from the wild, as you pointed. (more for me to think about)

Nothing odd about it. As Hecks pointed out you're confusing bytes before yenc encoding and after encoding+yenc header/footer

Thank you, I found this to very helpful information! :)


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