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Ok, i open fire on that brand new section with my favourite (and.. well...the first and only i subscribed^^)

--- Quote ---€ 0,00  3 days free unlimited access to all news groups
€ 1,50  2 days unlimited access to all news groups
€ 2,95  1 week unlimited access to all news groups
€ 3,95  2 weeks unlimited access to all news groups
€ 7,50  1 month unlimited access to all news groups
€18,50  3 months unlimited access to all news groups
€36,00  6 months unlimited access to all news groups
--- End quote ---

Pay with paypal
Excellent speed (use my max 3 MB/s)
No recurring fees. No need to unsubscribe

They say nearly 100 days retention... i even DLed files posted 120 days ago, but you re only sure to find 60 days files max.. older is luck
[update] looks like retention is getting better and better, 100 to 120 days sometimes

8 threads with account sharing (i use 4 threads at work and 4 at home)
Free SSL
Always giving feedbacks by mail if few hours down (getting rare)

nothing to say about support, i never had to deal with, so feel free to give your feedback on that topic

Hitnews is one of the few providers supporting XPAT, which in fact gives somthing quite simular to header download. it does only work with one group at the time but it works. use the space bar to get (nearly) all posts in the newsgroup.


Thx for the trick davidq666, i tried with a dot, i think i get even more than with a space.

So far i bought 6 more months... and still pleased of it

Just as an info from an other thread:

--- Quote from: Rdl on March 11, 2008, 12:04:28 PM ---
--- Quote from: davidq666 on March 11, 2008, 11:47:46 AM ---why r u guys not using the build-in xpat search? by puting in a space u get (nearly?) all posts of a specific newsgroup. ok you can only browse one group at the time and when u changed groups you have to do the search again, but if you limit ur search to the last 1000-10000 posts it's quick enough. by the way hitnews is one of the suposed rare providers supporting it.

--- End quote ---

Correct way would be to use wildcard and search for * . That way you'll get all posts. All providers I've used/am using have xpat... xlned, hitnews, easynews, newshosting. The only one I'm sure doesn't support xpat is giganews.

--- End quote ---

he means wildmat...

Good newsgroup provider, retention could be a bit better perhaps. Really like the SSL and the port 80 option.

They updated their prices, 1 month costs 7,50 Euro. Due to transaction costs.


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