Usenet (English) > Usenet providers

New Provider Recommendations please

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ok, i'm looking to switch up my provider, not because i am unhappy with their service but because i would like a couple of things they dont offer.

My connection is with VirginMedia, 120meg
Currently i use the VM servers as primary, and Astraweb pay by download as my backup servers.

I'm considering switching to a monthly subscription service because of a number of reasons relating to the VM servers

* DCMA take down orders/speed
* VM Traffic management via packet sniffing and blanket port throttling
* No SSL option
* Incomplete groups listings
Now as it stands, Astraweb does offer pretty much what i want, good retention, good speeds (when not capped/throttled) although DCMA orders are being actioned a lot faster lately, but i may well keep them as a backup, using the pay by download package i currently have.

But what i would like, is a monthly service i can use as my go to all the time, because of the issues with VM, these are options i'd like

* NON-US server farm
* SSL connection on Port 995 (see below)
* upto 120meg speed
* Account Sharing would be nice - as much so when i use it on my laptop via phone i don't get hit with incorrect sharing allegations
I was considering Hitnews, they allow sharing i think, have good speeds and retention and use port 995 for SSL, but i think there was some recent changes and they are now US based ?

Port 995 requirement - VM has a habit of blanket traffic throttling on the regular usenet and p2p ports, because they can't packet sniff SSL connections (legally atleast) port 995 is what they use for their email server, so can't just blanket cripple it's throughput speeds, thus allowing me the speed i pay for (they do this throttling not based on volume downloaded but simply because you use those ports between certain hours)

Someone recommended one by Mega or somethign like that, but that appears to be run my Kim Dotcom so i wont be touching that with a bargepole.

Any Ideas guys ?

I'm with Virgin too and I elude the throttling by using 60-80 connections, the sum make the speed during the hours! :D

I use VM for all downloads as this is the cheapest way to get new stuff. For all others I use Astra because of the speed. I have not found another provider offer the same constant high speed.  Do avoid DMCA takedowns, you need to find a board or forums where the uploaders use encrypted file names and headers. This work very well with VM, Astra and the DMCA.  ;D

Newest exampe: sausages, 5 hours after upload everything down. Looks like the guys uploded to /dev/null instead of usenet.  :-X

With a prepared upload and nzb file from a reliable forum I downloaded sausages this afternoon via VM.


--- Quote from: spamwerbung on April 08, 2013, 01:28:54 am ---I'm with Virgin too and I elude the throttling by using 60-80 connections, the sum make the speed during the hours! :D

I use VM for all downloads as this is the cheapest way to get new stuff. For all others I use Astra because of the speed. I have not found another provider offer the same constant high speed.  Do avoid DMCA takedowns, you need to find a board or forums where the uploaders use encrypted file names and headers. This work very well with VM, Astra and the DMCA.  ;D

Newest exampe: The Hobbit, 5 hours after upload everything down. Looks like the guys uploded to /dev/null instead of usenet.  :-X

With a prepared upload and nzb file from a reliable forum I downloaded the Blu-Ray of The Hobbit this afternoon via VM.

--- End quote ---

What is VM?

VM = VirginMedia as described above:  ;)

--- Quote from: Slinky on March 18, 2013, 12:23:23 pm ---My connection is with VirginMedia, 120meg
Currently i use the VM servers as primary, and Astraweb pay by download as my backup servers.
--- End quote ---

Please try to remember that this is a public forum and nobody here wants to know what you're downloading.


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