current version / build: v0.48.5.0
Posted on : 07-09-2006 at 18:32 by rdl
Alt.Binz 0.21.3 released

+ option to display small images in tabs
+ option to convert underscores to spaces and remove newzbins msgid from imported nzb
* fixed problem with rechecking saved par2 info when file is missing
* moved Connecting, connected, could not connect messages to detailed log
+ added option to monitor folder for nzb files and autoimport them
* fixed bug with displaying unrar status after first rar set and not all rar sets
+ marked all options in setup that require restart of the program
+ added options to display ETA/speed info in applications caption and on taskbar
+ added option to minimize to tray/taskbar
+ added tray item to taskbar popup menu
+ added popup menu while in tray
+ added option to check for new version of program + check at startup(Autopush Version button) + check every xx hours
* fixed Autopush Scheduler button not working
+ option to delete *.sfv after successful unraring
+ added age of the oldest post/file in root nodes(nzb) of the download queue
* fixed Binsearch, all sorting now works + few more search options