Author Topic: Download Failure with omgwtfnzb  (Read 6406 times)

Offline Slinky

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Download Failure with omgwtfnzb
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:25:12 pm »
searches work, but download fails due to an updated api i think, as the nzb details arent being passed correctly to Alt.Binz

The direct download api has been updated, you will need to adjust your scripts to point to the new url
full details can be found here.

can we get an update/fix please :)

(also search no longer works)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2014, 11:30:22 pm by Slinky »

Offline Slinky

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Re: Download Failure with omgwtfnzb
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 11:39:59 pm »
here's the info at that link, that seems to have been updated on the 7th....

API Rate Limits: (Added 7th October 2014)
We do have a "Requests" limit.

The current rate limits are as follows:
REQUESTS LIMITATION: 1 request every 15 seconds

url to use:{some search term}&user={username}&api={apikey}


* ?search=something = No terms no search!
* &user={username} = Your account username.
* &api={apikey} = Your API Key.
* &catid=1,2,3 ect = Optional, search multiple categorys.
* &retention={days} = Optional, limit the search to X amount of days ago.
* &eng=1 = Optional, return only english/unknown posts.

example api Call:,20&retention=500
this would search for bones.s08 in tvsd,tvhd with a max age of 500 days.

sample output:

nzbid: "100677",
release: "Some.Movie.Title-GRP",
group: "alt.binaries.moovee",
sizebytes: "1601590891",
usenetage: "1317286337",
categoryid: "15",
cattext: "",
language: "11",
weblink: "",
details: "{nzbid}",
getnzb: "{nzbid}&user={username}&api={apikey}"
If your request was successful you will get upto 500 results listed in JSON format

other responses:

* {"notice":"applying some updates please try again later."} = Applying some updates to the code
* {"notice":"no search no results"} = Search term is required
* {"notice":"0 results matched your terms"} = No results for your query were found
* {"notice":"search to short"} = min term must be 3 characters or more ([a-Z0-9]) any other characters will be ignored
* {"notice":"your user or api information is incorrect.. check and try again"} = Bad/Incorrect api auth details

Direct Download API: (updated 7th October 2014)
No HTML output is generated and the NZB is sent directly to your software/browser etc.

url to use:{nzbid#}&user={username}&api={apikey}

* ?id={nzbid#} = taken from
* &user={username} = Your account username.
* &api={apikey} = Your API Key.

output results:
If your request was successful the NZB will be sent directly to your browser/software.

If there was a problem with your request one the following responses will be output.

* {"notice":"applying some updates please try again later."} = Applying some updates to the code
* {"notice":"you have made too many nzb-api requests recently. nzb-api requests are limited to once every 15 seconds."}
* {"notice":"your user or api information is incorrect.. check and try again"} = Bad/Incorrect api auth details
* {"notice":"NZB has been removed from our index (cached result)"} = Just what it says
* {"notice":"no nzb found"} = Found the info but cant make the nzb
* {"notice":"bad nzbid#"} = Invalid nzbid#.

Only full posts can be retrieved, there is no support for partial posts.
Only one post can be downloaded per request.

GET NFO API: (updated 7th October 2014)
url to use:{NZBID}&user={username}&api={apikey}

* ?id={nzbid#} = taken from
* &user={username} = Your account username.
* &api={apikey} = Your API Key.
* &send=1 = No HTML output is generated and the NFO is sent directly to your software/browser etc.

output results:
If your request was successful the NFO will be displayed in your browser/software.

If there was a problem with your request one the following responses will be output.

* {"notice":"applying some updates please try again later."} = Applying some updates to the code
* {"notice":"you have made too many nfo-api requests recently. nfo-api requests are limited to once every 15 seconds."}
* {"notice":"your user or api information is incorrect.. check and try again"} = Bad/Incorrect api auth details
* {"notice":"nfo unavailable/removed"}

Only one NFO can be viewed per request.

Offline Rdl

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Re: Download Failure with omgwtfnzb
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2014, 08:50:35 am »
(also search no longer works)

It works here just fine. What seems to be a problem?

Offline Slinky

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Re: Download Failure with omgwtfnzb
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2014, 09:58:59 pm »
Sorry for slow reply, been at work all day,

typical, started working for me again too now !!

what was happening was the searches were not returning any results, it started to search then after a period stopped with zero results, but today is working again !!
I only added it as an after thought because i noticed it when trying to identify if the omgwtfnzbs problem an isolated issue or not.


Offline Slinky

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Re: Download Failure with omgwtfnzb
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2014, 10:03:57 pm »
Forgot to say, thank you for the omgwtfnzbs fix, confirmed fixed and working fine thank you appreciate the speedy response :)